Collana Penelope, dettaglio
Collana Penelope, dettaglio

Penelope weaves a tubogas shirt for Obsobjects

She was the daughter of Icarius and Policaste, wife of Ulysses, queen of Ithaca, mother of Telemachus, Poliporte and Arcesilao. Penelope, moreover, was descended on her father’s side from the great hero Perseus (Icarius was her nephew) and was Elena’s cousin. Anyone who has read the Odyssey has been fascinated by the figure of Penelope. But Homer probably never imagined that Ulysses’ faithful wife would turn into tubogas bijoux. No magic of the Olympian gods: the Penelope line is an idea of ​​Opsobjects, a made in Italy bijoux brand.

Collana tubogas Penelope
Collana tubogas Penelope

The tubogas jersey is a traditional processing system, which makes the jewel flexible and soft. The flexible metal tube for gas, the tubogas, was invented in 1881 and then used by jewelers starting in the 1940s. Today, after a long time, the patent has expired and its use is free. In the case of the Penelope collection, the flexible bracelet has an adjustable length from 17 to 20 centimeters (price 39 euros) while the choker has an adjustable length from 35 to 40 centimeters (59 euros).

Bracciale tubogas Penelope
Bracciale tubogas Penelope
Collana Penelope, dettaglio
Collana Penelope, dettaglio

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