Wallis Simpson

A Wallis Simpson bracelet up for auction at Christie’s

The Magnificent Jewels auction on November 9 adds another piece of nobility to the catalog of lots for sale. In addition to the two diamond bracelets that belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette of France, Christie’s will offer the first gift on the occasion of her wedding anniversary, received on June 3, 1938 by the Duchess of Windsor. Her husband, in case anyone does not remember, was the Duke of Windsor, former King of Great Britain, who had abdicated precisely to marry Wallis Simpson.

Il bracciale in oro bianco, diamanti e rubini appartenuto alla Duchessa di Windsor
Il bracciale in oro bianco, diamanti e rubini appartenuto alla Duchessa di Windsor

The history of the jewel is testified by the order received from Cartier. This is a white gold bracelet with two large rubies set. On the bracelet is engraved the phrase: “For our first anniversary of June 3”. The bracelet is an elegant and sophisticated reinterpretation of the Art Deco style. Very avant-garde, the jewel is considered one of the most unusual models of the Maison (the estimate for the auction has a very wide range: 1-2 million Swiss francs). At the time of the gift, the couple was on holiday on the French Riviera in Antibes, at Villa La Croë.
Wallis Simpson indossa il bracciale di Cartier
Wallis Simpson indossa il bracciale di Cartier

In December 1936 Edward VIII abdicated the British throne to marry the American Wallis Warfield Simpson, who had already been divorced twice. The couple then married in France at Château de Candé in June 1937. For years the Windsors have been a fixture of international society and will always be remembered for their chic lifestyle and beautiful jewelry.
I duchi di Windsor
I duchi di Windsor

The bracelet had already reappeared at auction for the first time since the historic sale of the Jewels of the Duchess of Windsor, in 1987: a mythical sale thanks to the record prices, the attention of the media and the renewed interest it aroused in the jewels of sourced and signed, which have persisted ever since.

New York September 27-29 Christie’s Rockefeller Center
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Beijing October 19-20 Christie’s
Shanghai 23-24 October Christie’s
Geneva November 6-8 Four Seasons Hotel des Bergues

Edoardo d'Inghilterra assieme a Wallis Warfield Simpson
Edoardo d’Inghilterra assieme a Wallis Warfield Simpson, nel 1954

The jewels of Kenneth Jay Lane

An exhibition dedicated to the most American of bijoux designers, Kenneth Jay Lane. Here’s where ♦︎

Kenneth Jay Lane (1932-2017) was an American designer who started designing jewelry in 1963. Not only that: he also designed jeweled shoes for Dior and Arnold Scaasi. It seems that his rise has also begun thanks to the appreciation of Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor, who bought some pieces of Lane and recommended it to her friends. An exhibition at the Museo del Bijou in Casalmaggiore (Cremona) is dedicated to Kenneth Jay Lane.

One of Lane’s main talents was copying high-end jewels. But so well that the jewels were proudly shown by the owners.

For the inauguration of the exhibition, on September 22nd, a conference on the work of Lane by the president of the museum, Maria Teresa Cannizzaro, will also be possible to buy some bijoux and an auction dedicated to a charity project will be held. In addition, there will be a parade of vintage American clothes, with models that will parade in the Museum. The new book, Brillanti Illusioni, which is also the Exhibition Catalog, will be available. The Kenneth Jay Lane exhibition will remain open until November 4th. On October 12th, Columbus Day, Teresa Cannizzaro will be back at the Museum and again for closure, November 3rd. Info: www.museodelbijou.it Lavinia Andorno

Cavallino alato, collezzione Pennetta. Resina acrilica turchese con strass su fusione in peltro placcato rodio
Cavallino alato, collezzione Pennetta. Resina acrilica turchese con strass su fusione in peltro placcato rodio

Spilla Elefante con portantina. Smalti policromi e strass su peltro americano
Spilla Elefante con portantina. Smalti policromi e strass su peltro americano dorato
Kenneth Jay Lane
Kenneth Jay Lane
Spilla Stella con strass bianchi
Spilla Stella con strass bianchi
Bracciale in metallo dorato e martellato con strass
Bracciale in metallo dorato e martellato con strass

Collana di perle e smeraldi
Collana di perle e smeraldi

Wallis Simpson all’asta da Christie’s

Il lotto della duchessa di Windsor è quello di maggiore richiamo dell’asta Magnificent Jewels di Christie’s che si terrà l’11 novembre a Ginevra (alcuni dei pezzi più interessanti li vedete nel filmato). In particolare, una spilla e un bracciale a forma di tigre di Cartier, provenienti dalla leggendaria collezione di Wallis Simpson, moglie di re Edoardo VIII d’Inghilterra. Due pezzi in oro giallo, onice, diamanti, con occhi di smeraldi, acquistati tra il 1956 e il 1959 dalla coppia reale e messi all’asta nel 1987, insieme ad altri cinque grandi felini della stessa maison. La rarità di questi due esemplari dell’alta gioielleria parigina è accentuata anche dalla storia, romantica, di chi li ha indossati. Se di re Edoardo VIII e della sua rinuncia al trono per sposare un’americana divorziata, Wallis Simpsons, si sa tutto, meno conosciuto è il grande amore e successivo matrimonio tra il soprano Sarah Brightman e Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lui, noto produttore teatrale, proprio per festeggiare l’enorme successo de Il Fantasma dell’Opera, in scena a Londra e Broadway, comprò questi due gioielli per la moglie, che recitava nella trasposizione teatrale del libro. Per i gioielli una storia unica, che spinge la casa d’aste svizzera a fissare una stima massima di 2 milioni e mezzo di dollari. Chi sarà il collezionista che se li aggiudica?  M.d.B.

Spilla e bracciale Tiger di Cartier, in oro giallo, onice , diamanti con occhi di smeraldo.
Spilla e bracciale Tiger di Cartier, in oro giallo, onice , diamanti con occhi di smeraldo.
Sinistra: la duchessa di Windsor con i gioielli Tiger di Cartier, all’inaugurazione del nuovo Lido Revue di Parigi, l’11 dicembre del 1959 © Getty Images / Popperfoto. Destra: Sarah Brightman con i gioielli Tiger di Cartier, alla festa per la prima de Il Fantasma dell’Opera in scena al Beacon Theatre, di New York il 26 Gennaio 1988 © Getty Images / Wire Image
Sinistra: la duchessa di Windsor con i gioielli Tiger di Cartier, all’inaugurazione del nuovo Lido Revue di Parigi, l’11 dicembre del 1959 © Getty Images / Popperfoto. Destra: Sarah Brightman con i gioielli Tiger di Cartier, alla festa per la prima de Il Fantasma dell’Opera in scena al Beacon Theatre, di New York il 26 Gennaio 1988 © Getty Images / Wire Image
La celebre foto di  Toni Frissell della duchessa di Windsor
La celebre foto di Toni Frissell della duchessa di Windsor

Magnificent-Jewels-Christie’s-11-11-14 from diode on Vimeo.

ukDuchess of Windsor auction at Christie’s

The lot of the Duchess of Windsor is one of the most appealing of Magnificent Jewels auction at Christie’s in Geneva on November 11. Especially, a tiger-shape brooch and bracelet made by Cartier, formerly from the legendary collection of Wallis Simpson, wife of King Edward VIII of England. Two pieces in yellow gold, onyx, diamonds with emerald eyes, purchased between 1956 and 1959 by the royal couple and auctioned in 1987, along with five other big cats made by the same maison. The rarity of these two pieces of parisien fine jewelry is enhanced by the by the story, romantic, behind their ownership. About King Edward VIII and his abdication the throne to marry an American divorcee, Wallis Simpsons, we know everything, less known is the great love and subsequent marriage between the soprano Sarah Brightman and Andrew Lloyd Webber. He, a well-known theater producer, just to celebrate the huge success of The Phantom of the Opera, staged in London and Broadway, bought these two jewels for his wife, who played in the theatrical adaptation of the book. For jewelry auction a unique history, which motivates the Swiss auction house to fix a maximum estimate of 2 million and a half dollars. Who will be the collector that will nab them?

france-flagLa Duchesse de Windsor aux enchères chez Christie’s

Le lot de la duchesse de Windsor est l’un des plus attrayants de Magnificent Jewels vente aux enchères chez Christie’s à Genève le 11 Novembre. Surtout, une broche et un bracelet en forme de tigre de Cartier, de la légendaire collection de Wallis Simpson, la femme du roi Edward VIII d’Angleterre. Deux pièces en or jaune, onyx, diamants avec yeux émeraude, achetés entre 1956 et 1959 par le couple royal et mis aux enchères en 1987, avec cinq autres grands félins faites par la même maison. La rareté de ces deux pièces de joaillerie parisien est renforcée par le par l’histoire, romantique, derrière leur propriété. À propos de roi Édouard VIII et son abdication du trône à épouser un divorcé américaine, Wallis Simpson, nous savons tout, moins connu, c’est le grand amour et le mariage ultérieur entre la soprano Sarah Brightman et Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lui, un producteur de théâtre bien connu, vient de célébrer l’énorme succès de Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, organisé à Londres et Broadway, a acheté ces deux bijoux pour sa femme, qui a joué dans l’adaptation théâtrale du livre. Pour vente aux enchères de bijoux une histoire unique, qui motive la maison de vente aux enchères en Suisse pour fixer une estimation maximale de 2 millions et demi de dollars. Qui sera le collecteur qui va les attraper?

german-flagHerzogin von Windsor Auktion bei Christie’s

Die Partie der Herzogin von Windsor ist eine der attraktivsten der Magnificent Jewels Auktion bei Christie’s in Genf am 11. November Insbesondere ein Tiger-Form Brosche und Armband von Cartier aus der legendären Sammlung von Wallis Simpson, der Frau von König gemacht, früher Edward VIII von England. Zwei Stücke in Gelbgold, Onyx, Diamanten mit smaragdgrünen Augen, zwischen 1956 und 1959 von der Königspaar erworben und im Jahr 1987 versteigert, zusammen mit fünf anderen großen Katzen von der gleichen maison gemacht. Die Seltenheit dieser beiden Stücke von parisien edlen Schmuck wird durch die von der Geschichte, romantisch erweitert, hinter ihr Eigentum. Über König Edward VIII und seiner Abdankung den Thron, um eine geschiedene Amerikanerin zu heiraten, Wallis Simpsons, wissen wir alles, was weniger bekannt ist die große Liebe und spätere Heirat zwischen der Sopranistin Sarah Brightman und Andrew Lloyd Webber. Er, ein bekannter Theaterproduzent, nur um den großen Erfolg von Das Phantom der Oper feiern, inszenierte in London und Broadway, kaufte diese beiden Juwelen für seine Frau, die in der Theateradaption des Buches gespielt. Für Schmuck Auktion eine einzigartige Geschichte, die die Schweizer Auktionshaus motiviert, um eine maximale Schätzung von 2 Millionen US-Dollar und einen halben beheben. Wer wird die Sammler, die sie erwischen sein wird?

flag-russiaГерцогиня Виндзор аукционе на Christie’s

Много герцогини Виндзорской является одним из наиболее привлекательных из Великолепные Jewels аукционе на Christie’s в Женеве 11 ноября. Особенно, тигр-форма брошь и браслет Картье, ранее от легендарного коллекции Уоллис Симпсон, супруги короля Эдуард VIII Англии. Две части из желтого золота, оникс, бриллианты с изумрудными глазами, приобретенные в период с 1956 и 1959 году королевской четы и проданы с аукциона в 1987 году, вместе с пятью другими крупными кошками, сделанных той же модного дома. Редкость этих двух кусков Parisien ювелирных украшений усиливается историей, романтической, за их собственности. О короля Эдуарда VIII и его отречения трон жениться на американской разведенной Уоллис Симпсонов, мы знаем все, менее известно, большая любовь и последующего брака между сопрано Сара Брайтман и Эндрю Ллойд Уэббер. Он, известный театральный режиссер, просто чтобы отпраздновать огромный успех Призрак оперы, поставил в Лондоне и на Бродвее, купил эти два драгоценности для своей жены, которая играла в театральной адаптации книги. Для ювелирного аукциона уникальная история, которая мотивирует швейцарский аукционный дом, чтобы исправить оценку максимальных 2000000 с половиной долларов. Кто будет коллектор, который будет наб их?

spagna-okDuquesa de Windsor subasta en Christie’s

El lote de la duquesa de Windsor es uno de los más atractivos de la subasta Magnificent Jewels de Christie’s en Ginebra el 11 de noviembre Especialmente, un broche de tigre-forma y pulsera hecha por Cartier, antes de la legendaria colección de Wallis Simpson, esposa del rey Eduardo VIII de Inglaterra. Dos piezas en oro amarillo, ónix, diamantes con ojos de esmeralda, adquiridos entre 1956 y 1959 por la pareja real y subastados en 1987, junto con otros cinco grandes felinos hechas por la misma maison. La rareza de estas dos piezas de joyería fina parisien se ve reforzada por la por la historia, romántico, detrás de su propiedad. Sobre el rey Eduardo VIII y su abdicación al trono para casarse con una divorciada americana, Wallis Simpson, lo sabemos todo, menos conocido es el gran amor y el matrimonio posterior entre la soprano Sarah Brightman y Andrew Lloyd Webber. Él, un productor de cine muy conocido, sólo para celebrar el gran éxito de El Fantasma de la Opera, que tuvo lugar en Londres y Broadway, compró estas dos joyas para su esposa, quien jugó en la adaptación teatral del libro. Para la subasta de joyas de una historia única, lo que motiva a la casa de subastas suiza para fijar una estimación máxima de 2 millones y medio de dólares. ¿Quién será el colector que atrapar a ellos?