Orecchini di Zhernov Artifactory
Orecchini di Zhernov Artifactory

The Ukrainian jewelers at GemGèneve

Jewelery cannot and is not alien to what happens in the world. Thus GemGèneve, an event that hosts companies specializing in the trade of gems, high-end vintage jewelry and a patrol of new designers, also hosted the Strong & Precious project, with the aim of presenting the work of some Ukrainian jewelry designers. The idea is to present Ukraine as a country with a strong potential for jewelry. Ukraine, in fact, is the homeland of jewelers such as Oscar Heyman and Marshak, both of whom had Ukrainian roots and are the brightest examples of Ukrainian goldsmith craftsmanship.

Orecchini di Zhernov
Orecchini di Zhernov

The designers present in Geneva were selected by Olga Oleksenko and Natalia Kietiene. They are very different works, according to the style and technique of the different designers. Some are inspired by the goldsmith tradition of the origins, while others propose themselves as innovators, with original solutions. In short, it is a jewelry store that needs to be developed, as long as it is possible to overcome the difficult moment that the country is going through.
Anelli di Oberig
Anelli di Oberig

I have been working in the jewellery industry for years and always had a passion for collecting. My collection predominantly consists of high jewellery pieces from the XX century by well known names. However now I feel disconnected from them, they are irrelevant for me. I am admiring small independent Ukrainian brands instead. They make things that make sense, reflecting the current situation in my native country.
Olga Oleksenko

Gioiello di Brua
Gioiello di Brua
Anello di Guzema
Anello di Guzema
Orecchino di Inesa Kovalova
Orecchino di Inesa Kovalova
Collana di Lutiki
Collana di Lutiki
Anello Megapolis di Inesa Kivalova. Photo: Ira Merk
Anello Megapolis di Inesa Kivalova. Photo: Ira Merk

Gioielli di Nomis
Gioielli di Nomis


  1. Hallo
    Ich bin auf ihre Seite gestoßen, weil ich Arbeit suche für unseren ukrainischen Goldschmied. Er wohnt bei uns zusammen mit seiner Frau, seiner Schwiegermutter, seinem 7 jährigen Sohn und dem am 3.9.2022 hier in Deutschland auf die Welt gekommenen zweiten Sohn. Sie leben seit Mitte Juni bei uns. Ein Freund und Kollege von ihm lebt einige Kilometer von ihnen hier im Nachbarort entfernt.

    Sie suchen hier in Deutschland nun Arbeit. Ich glaube, die Arbeit von ihnen ist sehr gut. Ich kann es leider nicht beurteilen aber ich habe es im Gefühl.

    Wohin kann ich mich wenden? Oder möchten sie mal Kontakt zu ihm aufnehmen?

    Sie leben in der Nähe von Mainz

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