Oro e gioielli esposti a Dubai
Oro e gioielli a Dubai

Positive results for Jewelery, Gem & Technology Dubai

The first Jewelery, Gem & Technology Dubai (JGT Dubai) edition, which took place from 22 to 24 February, recorded 4,244 visitors, with an audience comprising 46.2% of international buyers from over 100 countries. Among them, over 200 wholesalers, retailers and sector brands from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, South America and South Asia were present at the event. This is the balance sheet of the fair organized in Dubai by Informa Markets Jewelery and Italian Exhibition Group (Ieg). Over 300 exhibitors from 23 countries attended the show.

Jewellery, Gem & Technology Dubai
Jewellery, Gem & Technology Dubai

As the first live B2B appointment on the industry’s annual agenda, JGT Dubai has been able to give our sector a great boost towards the important sales seasons of 2022.
David Bondi, Senior Vice President of Informa Markets Asia

Gioielli alla Jewellery, Gem & Technology Dubai
Gioielli alla Jewellery, Gem & Technology Dubai

JGT Dubai will return for the second edition from 12 to 14 February 2023 at the Dubai World Trade Center, Saeed Halls 1 – 3.

We are particularly proud to have inaugurated the gold industry’s international trade fair calendar with this first edition of JGT Dubai. The satisfaction expressed in these days by international exhibitors and visitors confirmed the value of the project born from the collaboration between Ieg and Informa Markets Jewelery. The clear positioning as a sourcing event and the choice of a hub like Dubai, with the invaluable support of the Government of Dubai, DMCC and DGJG, has been rewarded by professional operators from strategic markets for jewelery and makes us look with confidence. to future developments heralding new opportunities for companies in the sector and business development.
Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Italian Exhibition Group

Corrado Peraboni, Ceo di Ieg
Corrado Peraboni, Ceo di Ieg

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