Cristina Calderini
Cristina Calderini

Jewelery sculpture at the Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery in Rome

The sculpture jewels of the Oroora social laboratory on display from 5 to 9 June at the Incinque Open Art Monti Gallery in Rome. They are the creations of the participants of the course held by Maria Paola Ranfi and those of the resident artists of the Incinque Jewels project, created by Monica Cecchini. The theme of the exhibition is Water, earth, air and fire, elements of the narration of an experience. The theme of the jewel sculpture course, wanted by Enrique Gonzales in collaboration with Evelin Pettigli, conceived and taught by Maria Paola Ranfi, wants to focus on the primary elements.

Elena Bellu
Elena Bellu

The Oroora Association – social laboratory of goldsmithing and creativity was born in 2011, thanks to the will of the master goldsmith Enrique Gonzales Torres, in the spaces of the River Port. The intent is to create a meeting point where people of different cultures and generations can exchange knowledge, collaborate and develop their skills and sensitivity. on display is the jewel sculpture designed and created by Maria Paola Ranfi which represents a mythological figure, as well as jewels by Valentina Baini, Elena Bellu, Cristina Calderini, Francesca Romana De Angelis, Giada Di Vecchio, Giuliana Franceschini, Isabella Muccini, Evelin Pettigli, Tiziana Pietropaolo and Alessandro Casciani, Giovanna Rosa, Stefania Todini, Simona Setterberg. On permanent display are Myriam Bottazzi, Detailsdattimi, Chiara Fenicia, Emanuele Leonardi, Paolo Mangano, Maria Patrizia Marra, Matuta jewels, Anna Pinzari, Maria Gaia Piccini, Francesco Ridolfi, Simone Vera Bath, Angela Gentile and Lorella Verrillo.

Enrique Gonzales Torres
Enrique Gonzales Torres
Isabella Muccini
Isabella Muccini
Simona Setterberg
Simona Setterberg

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