Luca Padula
Luca Padula,direttore generale Giovanni Raspini

Giovanni Raspini in China reveals the strategy

Silver wedding between Giovanni Raspini and the Chinese market. The Tuscan Maison lands on the Tmall e-commerce platform, which is part of the Alibaba group. Tmall, with a base of over 800 million active users, is one of the most influential and popular online retail platforms in China and offers a growth opportunity for the Giovanni Raspini brand. In short, after the attention paid in recent years to a market like the London one, Giovanni Raspini is aiming for global expansion of the brand. As Luca Padula, general director of Giovanni Raspini, explains to

Giovanni Raspini, boutique
Giovanni Raspini, boutique

Question. Is the brand already present on Asian markets?
Answer. China is the first Asian market we have chosen to approach. The project was born about a year ago with the joint effort of many people, including Gabriele Rossi, Export Director Giovanni Raspini, and Corrado Skabic, consultant and now partner for China. The project first involved the search for a strategic industrial partner who demonstrated expertise in both the world of physical retail and digital retail. After many months of negotiations and definition of strategic details, today we finally arrived at the executive operational part of the project which starts with the start of sales on Tmall, the luxury digital platform par excellence in China, without forgetting a strategy for the creation and the development of the brand identity in the area.
Q. Have you set yourself any business goals, in terms of quantity of sales?
A. We have a roadmap already defined for the next three years with minimum turnover objectives to be achieved, but above all with objectives of visibility and awareness of the brand in China accompanied by some store openings in the main luxury malls.
Q. The Asian market is also famous for cloning the design of Western brands. Aren’t you afraid of that happening?
A. This is a concrete risk for which we are prepared. On the other hand, when a brand is copied it is often symptomatic of the achievement of good notoriety, as well as the recognition of belonging to the high end of the jewelery category. We therefore know that there will be many counterfeiting attempts to which we will obviously respond by defending ourselves with the legal means that the law allows us in China.
Q. Are you also thinking of opening physical sales points in China?
A. The opening of numerous sales points in China is an integral part of the Industrial Plan shared with the distribution partner.
Q. Will the jewelery for the Asian market have different characteristics, for example smaller dimensions?
A. We foresee some type of customization, but only in terms of sizes and not models. The models must instead remain faithful to the originals.
Q. What type of jewelery do you think is most interesting for the Chinese market?
A. We have carried out some preliminary market analyzes and we believe we can tackle the Chinese market starting from the Heritage collections that most distinguish Giovanni Raspini’s DNA belonging to the Animalier, Rock and Perlage worlds.

Giovanni Raspini, collana della collezione Butterfly
Giovanni Raspini, necklace from the Butterfly collection
Anelli della collezione Color
Rings from the Color collection

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