Vetrina a Open!
Vetrina a Open!

Il Tarì challenges the emergency with Open Anteprime


Countdown to Open Anteprime, organized at Tarì, the distribution and production center in Marcianise (Caserta, Italy), from Friday 12 to Monday 15 March. The four days are entirely dedicated to the B2B jewelery business, with a program of special promotions and ad hoc occasions that will allow you to actively involve all the players in the market. The appointment stems from the position of special observer that the Center holds, thanks to the 380 companies that it hosts daily and that will take part in the event.

Esterno del Tarì
Esterno del Tarì

An internal survey revealed significant data relating to the needs of companies in the sector at this very particular moment: 92.2% believe that events are fundamental for the business, in particular, 85% declare that collections, having the opportunity to compare and analyze market trends in view of crucial periods for the sector, such as Christmas or Easter are very important occasions. Starting from the second half of 2020 and in particular in the period of the Christmas holidays, almost 75% of companies have experienced a slight recovery in the market and look with confidence to 2021. 92% of companies are particularly confident in the resumption of events and fairs, considered irreplaceable places of exchange and relationship for business continuity.

Vetrina a Open!
Vetrina a Open!

With this event we want to stimulate the market in a proactive way, working concretely to reverse the negative trend of last year and at the same time giving a signal of confidence to the whole sector.
Vincenzo Giannotti, president of the Tarì Goldsmith Center

Vincenzo Giannotti
Vincenzo Giannotti

With Open Anteprime, Tarì confirms its willingness to believe and invest heavily in the recovery of the market, playing an active leading role that allows it to involve all the players in the sector thanks to special promotions designed specifically for this event. Many retailers from different Italian regions have, in fact, confirmed in recent days the participation in the weekend of meetings with the Tarì companies which, pursuant to the Dpm in force (the law that regulates the health emergency), it will be possible to reach, for proven work needs, obtaining self-certification.

Il centro orafo Il Tarì
Il centro orafo Il Tarì

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