Bracciale di Laura Abramo
Bracciale di Laura Abramo

18 jewelery designers on display in Rome

Exhibition entitled Transparencies and Contaminations inside Villa Altieri, in Rome, curated by Monica Cecchini, director of the Rome Jewelry Week, with the support of Claudio Franchi, curator of the Neo Roman School of contemporary jewellery. The event continues the intention of combining jewelery and avant-garde of the Jewelry Week. The exhibition (12-16 December) presents the work of the new Alter vanguard group. For the occasion, RJW will reveal the theme of the Incinque Jewels 2024 Award. The exhibition presents the work of the Neo Roman School of contemporary jewellery.

Villa Altieri, Roma
Villa Altieri, Roma

Eighteen artists and designers present their works: Riccardo Alfonsi, Italo Calvarese, Remigio Maria Caserta, Glauco Cambi, Andrea De Luca, Flavia Diamanti, Andrea Fontana and Silvia Scramoncin for fontanagioielli, Antonio Fontana, Michele and Alessandro Forlenza for Forlenza Gioielli, Claudio and Roberto Franchi for Franchi Argentieri, Marco Fulli, LauLab Jewels by Laura Abramo, Le Sibille, Fabrizio Negri for Negri Gioielli, Anna Pinzari, Rosa Piellucci for Rose’s Jewellery, Cristiana Perali and Nicola Vitali.
Gioielli di Le Sibille
Le Sibille jewels

The monumental complex of Villa Altieri was built in 1660 for Cardinal Paluzzo Albertoni Altieri, nephew of Pope Clement X and, today, houses the Library of the Metropolitan City with the Historical Archive. The exhibition Loggia has a particular visual and emotional impact, not only for the presence of sculptural works from the archaeological era, but also for the glass flooring designed to enjoy the beauty of the ancient cobbled floor of the Villa and the remains of some archaeological stratifications that emerged during the restoration works.

Cristiana Perali
Cristiana Perali

Fontana Gioielli
Fontana Gioielli

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