Isabeli Fontana ingioiellata Stroili

Russian style Stroili

How do you say Isabeli Fontana in Russian? Who knows if the customers of the new Stroili boutique in Moscow are asking this. Because, in fact, the Milanese jewelry company has opened a shop in the Russian capital. It is located, to be precise, inside the Filion department store, has a surface area of ​​50 square meters and houses the Spring-Summer 2013 collections of gold and silver jewellery, precious diamonds, bijoux and watches. «Russia is a market in which we believe a lot, which has given us great satisfaction and in which we intend to invest heavily with the aim of opening 10 points of sale in a couple of years. Furthermore, the exponential growth of the Russian market means that a brand like Stroili is recognized as an excellence of Made in Italy thanks to its ability to combine quality of design and perfection of materials”, explains Maurizio Merenda, CEO of Stroili Oro Group. The Stroili Oro group closed 2012 with a turnover growing by 2.7% compared to the previous year, to 200 million euros. And it is focusing strongly on China and the Far East.

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