Bracciale Colosseum
Bracciale Colosseum

Patrizia Corvaglia, homage to ancient Rome

Patrizia Corvaglia is a Roman jewelry designer and Roman artist. And like many Romans (and many non-Romans too) she loves the Eternal City. This is confirmed by the new jewelry collection which is, in fact, dedicated to Rome (with the hope of a rebirth that will bring the prodromes a new renaissance after the terrible months of the covid-19 pandemic). The collection includes a series of bronze jewels that reproduce, stylized, the geometries of some of the most famous monuments in Rome, such as the Cupolone (San Pietro), the Campidoglio, the Colosseum, the Roman Aqueduct, and even the profile of Agrippina , noblewoman and empress of ancient Rome.

Pendente ispirato al Pantheon
Pendente ispirato al Pantheon

Rome is my city, the one where I have lived since I was a child, the one that has welcomed me, embraced and given me all the beauty that has served me to travel my way. Rome has always been linked to art and classicism, in this collection I wanted to re-propose the classic taste and the symbolic monuments of the city. The endless walks to look with the nose towards the sky its infinite domes, statues, temples, squares and alleys where every thought and worry were nullified by the grandeur of its majesty. When we say that beauty will save the world, we mean exactly this: beauty is capable of taking us to another dimension, of detaching ourselves from the one in which mediocrity assaults us and disturbs us to make us fly in an enormous infinity that elevates us, while everything else becomes small and distant. This collection is my dedication to you, to my love, to my city: Rome.
Patrizia Corvaglia

Anello con l'effige di Agrippina
Anello con l’effige di Agrippina
Anello Colosseum
Anello Colosseum
Bracciale Acquedotto Claudio
Bracciale Acquedotto Claudio
Bracciale Colosseum
Bracciale Colosseum
Orecchini Ottavia
Orecchini Ottavia
Pendente Campidoglio
Pendente Campidoglio

Pendente Cupolone
Pendente Cupolone

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