With Preciosa outfit-jewel in NY

Crystals walking on the catwalk: is what happened at the New York Fashion Week with duo of designers The Blonds and Preciosa elements. An event that is among style and the fashion-jewelry. The night parade was inspired by ancient Egypt and took place under the eyes of celebrities as Bette Midler, Kelly Osbourne and Nigel Barker. It was as a theatrical show and not coincidentally The Blonds are known for costumes to stage. The two designers have chosen Preciosa for the range of colors, but also to the absence of lead in crystals. To made the dresses that you see in the images have been used over 172 thousand crystals: Cleopatra would have been proud. Giulia Netrese

La sfilata di The Blonds
La sfilata di The Blonds
Particolare degli abiti intessuti con i cristalli
Particolare degli abiti intessuti con i cristalli
La sfilata degli stilisti The Blonds
La sfilata degli stilisti The Blonds
Per gli abiti sono stati utilizzati 172mila cristalli
Per gli abiti sono stati utilizzati 172mila cristalli
La sfilata a New York Fashion Week
La sfilata a New York Fashion Week

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