Anello in oro bianco con opale messicano, diamanti neri, zaffiri gialli, rubini
Anello in oro bianco con opale messicano, diamanti neri, zaffiri gialli, rubini

The iridescent life of Katherine Jetter

The iridescent imagination of Katherine Jetter, citizen of the world, with a passion for Australian opals.
The designer Katherine Jetter has a Greek mother and a German father. She grew up between England, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. But she is Australian (born in Melbourne). And not only: she loves the fruit gemological most famous of Australia, the opal: 95% of the extracted stones of this type all over the world they come, in fact, from Outback in the country of kangaroos. And to say that Katherine Jetter seemed to start another career: in finance, in a prestigious company like JP Morgan. Among her choices, however, we must not forget the degree in Clinical Psychology at University College London.
In short, a personality with many faces, many layers, so many colors. Just like opal, who learned to know better by attending the most titled school of precious stones, the Gemological Institute of America. From there, leave aside finance and psychology, he started working as a designer for several jewelry companies, including De Beers. Moved permanently from Australia to New York, he created his own company (and found her husband). The restless Katherine, however, she is still moved, this time in Santa Fe, New Mexico. A stone’s throw from the Mexican opals. But also in an area where he can practice with his other passions: mountaineering (she climbed Kilimanjaro and Machu Picchu), diving, cooking. When not in one of these many activities, the designer manages to find time to design jewelry. Almost exclusively with the use of iridescent, precious and rare opals, as she is. Giulia Netrese

Orecchini Snowstorm con opale e tormaline
Orecchini Snowstorm con opale e tormaline
Anello in oro bianco con opale e pietre
Anello in oro bianco con opale e pietre
Anello in oro bianco con opale messicano, diamanti neri, zaffiri gialli, rubini
Anello in oro bianco con opale messicano, diamanti neri, zaffiri gialli, rubini
Katherine Jetter, anello con opale (da Facebook)
Katherine Jetter, anello con opale (da Facebook)
Ciondolo Birdcage che racchiude un opale
Ciondolo Birdcage che racchiude un opale
Anello con opale bicolore e zaffiri arancio
Anello con opale bicolore e zaffiri arancio
Anello con tormalina
Anello con tormalina
Anello con opale e tsavoriti
Anello con opale e tsavoriti
Opals earrings
Opals earrings

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