La boutique Stroili negli Emirati Arabi

Now call it Stroili of Arabia

Stroili is aiming for the East. As Maurizio Merenda, CEO of Stroili Oro Group, had anticipated to Gioiellis, the brand wants to go further beyond the Italian borders. Stroili has in fact opened two new boutiques in the United Arab Emirates, which are added to the three already existing. The Stroili boutiques, measuring 40 and 35 square meters, are located in Abu Dhabi, in the Mushriff Mall, and in Sharjah, in the Saharjah City Centre, and according to the company «they reinterpret the concept of Stroili stores in a luxury key». The interior design focuses on gold finishes and reflections that enhance the light of the jewels on display, with a decidedly exotic taste. «Our collections, born from the perfect synthesis of design and research, have become a symbol of authentic Made in Italy in the world, capable of promoting excellence, creativity and craftsmanship, allowing us constant growth at an international level», is the comment of Maurizio Merenda, CEO of the company. Stroili Oro Group is the leading retailer of Made in Italy jewelry, with a chain of 366 single-brand boutiques, distribution in over 100 jewelry stores and a presence in 24 foreign countries. Stroili Oro closed 2013 with a turnover up 5% compared to the previous year, at 210 million euros.

Boutique Stroili in Medio Oriente
Boutique Stroili in Medio Oriente

Dèsire of love, orecchini in metallo dorato e zirconi. Prezzo: 99,90 euro
Dèsire of love, orecchini in metallo dorato e zirconi. Prezzo: 99,90 euro
Bracciale New Moon in metal dorato e cristalli. Prezzo: 99 euro
Bracciale New Moon in metal dorato e cristalli. Prezzo: 99 euro

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