Misis and the wonders of the Renaissance

Enamel swans, flowers with golden vines, Prussian crosses in quartz and marcasite. The new Misis collections are inspired by Renaissance “cabinets of wonder”, places that housed extraordinary objects capable of arousing the wonder of visitors. And since one of these was often a mechanical swan, the Wunderkammer of Claudia Piaserico, creative director of the Vicenza-based company, also has its own in the line called Mirabilia: in gold-plated silver and mother-of-pearl enamel, they are mounted on black plexiglass chokers, and enriched with cat’s eye stones, white zirconia and rock crystals. In the rings, earrings, necklaces and Naturalia collars, glass flowers and embroidery in yellow gold-plated silver, white zirconia, coloured quartz, sapphires and rubies bloom. Human ingenuity is instead seen in Artificialia, 18-karat gold-plated silver crosses resting on plexiglass and colored quartz, decorated with marcasite, sapphires and rubies. Here are images and prices.

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