Anello in argento e oro lavorato a bulino e ricoperto di smalto trasparente, al centro una kunzite
Anello in argento e oro lavorato a bulino e ricoperto di smalto trasparente, al centro una kunzite

Isabella del Bono, iron designer


There are those who have an iron will. And who touches iron thinking it brings good luck. And there are those who, with iron, make luxury jewelry. Strange? It depends. Of course, iron is not as precious as gold, but the time it takes to work it is just as expensive. In short, a challenge: to use a poor material (also with silver and gold) to make it rich and noble. Term that befits Isabella del Bono, descendant of an aristocratic family from Parma (Italy) and, as such, owner of a noble ring which, unfortunately, she lost years ago. Making a new chevalier ring to replace the lost one was, she said, the click that led Isabella del Bono, a journalist at the time, to become a designer.

Anello in argento e oro lavorato a bulino e ricoperto di smalto trasparente, al centro una kunzite
Anello in argento e oro lavorato a bulino e ricoperto di smalto trasparente, al centro una kunzite

Her Maison, IdB, was founded in 2005, after years of living in New York and Miami, also thanks to the success achieved with the family ring made with iron and enamel. A very difficult metal to forge for jewelry which, however, has become one of the distinctive features of IdB. His jewels are, in fact, unusual and, at the same time, refined jewels: the rings, especially the chevalier ones, were joined by chain or slave bracelets, earrings, cufflinks and buttons for men’s clothing, also in iron.
Anello con diamanti
Anello con diamanti

Anello con perla
Anello con perla
Anello con diamanti e smeraldi
Anello con diamanti e smeraldi
Bracciale di Isabella del Bono
Bracciale di Isabella del Bono
Orecchini con inserti d'oro
Orecchini con inserti d’oro

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Orecchini Sole con inserti d’oro

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