Orecchini con camei in argento galvanizzato oro
Orecchini con cammei in argento galvanizzato oro

Lebole’s mobile equilibria

Lebole Gioielli updates the Character Furniture line, which is part of the Gotica collection. Introduced a couple of years ago, and now updated with new pieces, Characters Furniture refers to the self-propelled structure of gold-plated silver earrings. The designer, Barbara Lebole, was inspired by that line of art that uses moving parts, in particular those sculptures built to exploit the dynamism of balance, as in Calder’s works, in which the different elements are balanced in a delicate balance, but oscillate with the first breath of air.

Due orecchini della linea Gotico Mobile
Due orecchini della linea Gotico Mobile

The earrings of the Characters Furniture line are composed of colored and multi-material elements, suspended on a silver frame that recalls in the drawings the Gothic mother collection. The earrings have the freedom to move with the movement of the wearer. Each earring in the collection, all individual pieces, choreographically uses stones of various shapes, colored cameos and small objects that allude to the Wunderkammer, the chambers of wonders that contained objects that were rare or unusual at the time, in vogue in the Renaissance and beyond.
The single earrings can of course be combined. Prices start from 27 euros 100 euros for a single earring.

Orecchini con camei in argento galvanizzato oro
Orecchini con cammei in argento galvanizzato oro

Orecchini con cammei della line a Gotico Mobile
Orecchini con cammei della line a Gotico Mobile

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