Il Tiffany Diamond
Il Tiffany Diamond

Tiffany on Geneva Lake

In case you are passing through Geneva, know that Tiffany has now opened a new store at 21 Rue du Rhone. As is customary on these occasions, the event was celebrated with a big party (500 guests, but not everyone in the store at the same time …). Star of the evening, in addition to the Ceo of Tiffany, Frederic Cumenal and Gitta Gräfin Lambsdorff, managing director of Tiffany Germany, Austria and Switzerland, were celebrity as Paloma Picasso Thévenet, Julia Tholstrup, Satya Oblette and Carol Asscher. For the occasion were displayed jewelry and limited edition watches, created to celebrate the return of Tiffany in the Swiss city. On exhibition also, for a limited period, the legendary Tiffany Diamond, the yellow diamond from 128.54 carats mounted on a necklace of white diamonds totaling over 100 carats.

La serata Tiffany a Ginevra
La serata Tiffany a Ginevra
Ospiti della Festa
Ospiti della Festa
Frederic Cumenal e indossatrici
Frederic Cumenal e indossatrici
Frederic Cumenal e Gitta Gräfin Lambsdorff
Frederic Cumenal e Gitta Gräfin Lambsdorff
Il taglio del nastro della boutique Tiffany di Ginevra
Il taglio del nastro della boutique Tiffany di Ginevra

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