Le due corone di Christofle. A sinistra, in argento e onice, è in edizione limitata di 20 pezzi. Prezzo. 10mila euro. A destra, in metallo argentato, è stata eseguita in 250 esemplari. Prezzo: 2.500 euro
Le due corone di Christofle. A sinistra, in argento e onice, è in edizione limitata di 20 pezzi. Prezzo. 10mila euro. A destra, in metallo argentato, è stata eseguita in 250 esemplari. Prezzo: 2.500 euro

A crown for you signed Christofle

The woman is the queen of the house: it sure is a very outdated definition, even if Christofle, in its way, brings it back. The British decorator Martyn Lawrence Bullard, who resides in Los Angeles and is a friend of many Hollywood stars, has collaborated with the French company specializing in silver with the design of two crowns. The smallest, silver metal, was performed in 250 specimens. The largest, in silver and onyx, is a limited edition of 20 pieces. Price: crown smallest thing 2.500 euro. For the bigger you get to 10 thousand euro. Certainly not advisable to wear when you turn by taxi or metro, but in the home with a crown on his head no one no one can you say no. Lavinia Andorno

L'estroso e tenebroso Martyn Lawrence Bullard
L’estroso e tenebroso Martyn Lawrence Bullard

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