Una pietra di moissanite sintetica
Una pietra di moissanite sintetica. A synthetic moissanite stone

Jewels, stones and moissanite by Malossi Gemmecreate

Malossi Gemmecreate jewelry, strictly with synthetic stones, but with real gold ♦ ︎

The stones created in the laboratory have convinced an increasing number of designers and women. They are now a reality also used by the great Maison and by avant-garde designers. However, there are those who can claim a primogeniture, such as Malossi Gemmecreate. The name already contains the aesthetic program of the small jewelry company in Milan.

Anello con rubino sintetico
Anello con rubino sintetico

The story tells that it was 1999 when, unique in Italy and with a pioneering spirit, Alberto and Luisa Malossi decided to propose a different way of conceiving the luxury of precious stones: synthetic gems. A novelty that in those years was viewed with suspicion. But that, according to the story of the two jewelers, was immediately acknowledged by the final customer, who sees in the stones created in the laboratory the occasion to show off jewels of great impact at lower prices. This aspect is then added to a consideration of a social nature, such as a lower display of luxury and environmental impact.

Malossi Gemmecreate, bracciale con zaffiri di laboratorio
Malossi Gemmecreate, bracciale con zaffiri di laboratorio

In addition to offering synthetic emeralds, rubies, sapphires and Alexandrites, Malossi Gemmecreate is the Italian distributor of Moissanite Charles & Colvard (a synthetic stone that looks like diamond) and the only manufacturer of yellow synthetic diamonds. While the stones of Malossi Gemmecreate are declaredly created in the laboratory, the gold used is natural and 18 carat.

Pendente con smeraldo sintetico
Pendente con smeraldo sintetico

Anello con zaffiro sintetico
Anello con zaffiro sintetico

Una pietra di moissanite sintetica
Una pietra di moissanite sintetica


  1. Do you not sell hydrothermal aquamarine? It appears it is not commercially available and I would like to know why? Thanks very much!
    Gary J Banta

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