Matthew Campbell Laurenza, anello in oro 18 carati con con diamanti colorati naturali Rio Tinto della miniera Argyle. Prezzo: 750 dollari

Race for four with certified diamonds

The mining giant Rio Tinto has charged four of the most famous American designers to create lines of jewelry with stones coming exclusively from the Argyle mine in Australia, and selected in size from 0.01 to 0.07 carats and in hues of colorless, gray, champagne and cognac. An initiative named Diamond with a story, taken some years ago with the aim to make these products more salable. Jennifer Dawes, Suzanne Kalandjian, Sandy Leong and Matthew Campbell Laurenza, are the designers chosen for their attention to sustainability, to range of color and to non-traditional materials, each of them have created a collection of 18 pieces with a price range of between 500 to $ 5,000, which will be presented at the Jck in Las Vegas, the trade show that is held in the city of Nevada in May. A marketing idea very interesting, for now restricted to the American market, considering that until a few years ago this type of diamonds was unknown and then regarded as of poor quality. Now, however, there is even a color scale certified. How the Chinese saying goes? Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. Monica Battistoni 

Sandy Leong, bracciale rigido in oro 18 carati con diamanti colorati naturali Rio Tinto della miniera Argyle. Prezzo: 5000 dollari
Sandy Leong, bracciale rigido in oro 18 carati con diamanti colorati naturali Rio Tinto della miniera Argyle. Prezzo: 5000 dollari
Jennifer Dawes, orecchini in oro 18 carati con diamanti colorati naturali Rio Tinto della miniera Argyle. Prezzo: 1150 dollari
Jennifer Dawes, orecchini in oro 18 carati con diamanti colorati naturali Rio Tinto della miniera Argyle. Prezzo: 1150 dollari


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