Le cuffie gioiello di Dolce e Gabbana

Jewel headphone for Dolce & Gabbana

To all jewel techno-geeks: if the Usb drive studded with pink sapphires and diamonds were not quite enough, or maybe you considered too much $ 32,000 for a hi-tech gadget here something shimmering and technological at a more affordable price, which ranges from 7 thousand to 8,500 euros: the headphones of the fashion show Fall 2015 by Dolce & Gabbana in leather nappa padded and embellished with Swarovski crystals, pearls and fox fur. Sure, they are for the winter season, but if you want you can book them on the site ModaOperandi caching about half of the amount as a deposit. The delivery? In six months. G.N.

Il modello in vendita su Modaperandi a 7580 euro
Il modello in vendita su Modaperandi a 7580 euro
La versione in pelle verde e pelliccia di volpe in vendita a 8530 euro
La versione in pelle verde e pelliccia di volpe in vendita a 8530 euro

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