The charms of PdPaola

Charms, an English word that indicates the ability to fascinate, with a spell that only Harry Potter could dissolve. In the language


Leonori’s new life

Leonori’s jewelry store, an Italian Maison that is on par with the big ♦︎ Between Forlì and Ascoli Piceno, a stone’s throw


Jewelry and allergy

Do you have jewelry that causes skin allergy or irritation? Here’s how to solve your problem and avoid a nickel allergy ♦


Ribas’ piercings

For years, piercing has become part of the world of jewellery, as demonstrated by the Ribas brand. The small metal studs, which


A mother of steel for Kidult

Mother’s Day is also the celebration of jewellery, the favorite gift. For the occasion, the jewelery brand at super accessible prices Kidult


Aquamarine at x-ray

All you need to know about one of the gems most loved by jewelry: the aquamarine, which is also the stone of


All about amethyst

The stone of February is the amethyst. But this gem also it like in the other 11 months of the year. Discover
