Guido Grassi Damiani con Eva Longoria a Shanghai

Damiani: we are among the top ten in the world

Damiani is aiming for Asia. We had already talked about it some time ago and an article in the “Affari e Finanza” insert of the daily newspaper Repubblica confirms it: interviewed by Ilaria Ciuti, on the occasion of the 90 Years Excellence and Passion exhibition, the president and CEO of the Valenza group, Guido Grassi Damiani, talks about markets and strategies and a passion that goes beyond the crisis: “At the beginning we had to slow down the programs. But we continued to invest and learned to internationalize. And the Asian market is the most interested in quality and tradition. The Chinese are informed and demanding. From jewelry everyone wants what they have always wanted: dream, beauty and that it lasts forever. But also exclusivity, so it is important to know how to combine tradition and contemporaneity”. In short, combining production and design, the art of handcrafting and a contemporary vision seems to be the winning recipe of the group. Whose balance sheet, as of April 1, 2013, records a turnover of 144.2 million, up 4.7% points compared to the same period of the previous year, where the sales trend also has a very positive sign, 18.9%. «Our added value is that of being a family business», continues Grassi Damiani. Who explains: «For some it doesn’t work. But for us it is the key to success: as a medium-sized company, the fact of having to compete with giants with turnovers of billions, has led us to become the strongest Italian jeweler and among the top ten in the world. The only jewelry store still owned by Italians and in the hands of the founders». The secret? «Managing the company as a manager, but I would also add the passion and know-how of those who as children played with gold bars and diamonds».

Guido Grassi Damiani, presidente e amministratore delegato del gruppo, all'apertura del negozio a Mosca
Guido Grassi Damiani, presidente e amministratore delegato del gruppo, all’apertura del negozio a Mosca

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