Anello con apertura

From Capri, Surprise Puttini

The souvenir from Capri? A ring with a surprise from the Angela Puttini brand. Because under the stone, a turquoise, onyx or white coral cusp, there is a copper miniature depicting two cherubs playing and the blue sea and the Faraglioni in the background. A creative way to reinterpret an island tradition. In fact, the line of the design recalls the famous majolica tiles placed at the entrance of houses, a custom that dates back to the end of the eighteenth century. Much older, however, is the belief in objects that ward off trouble, in this case in the positive with the snake of fortune, re-proposed in earrings and bracelets.

Aneli e orecchini Le bisce
Aneli e orecchini Le bisce

Bracciali Le bisce
Bracciali Le bisce

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