Diamante di laboratorio prodotto da Aether Diamonds
Diamante di laboratorio prodotto da Aether Diamonds

How to recognize a diamond created in the laboratory

Lab-created diamonds, or synthetic diamonds, are increasingly used: they cost less than natural gems and are virtually indistinguishable to the naked eye. However, they have less value than those extracted from the earth and, at the time of a hypothetical sale, they will have a much lower price. But is it possible to recognize if a diamond is natural or is it artificial, created in a laboratory? It’s not easy, but it can be done. If you want to know how lab diamonds are created you can read this article first.

Orecchini con diamanti di laboratorio ovali e taglio smeraldo
Orecchini con diamanti di laboratorio ovali e taglio smeraldo

There are several ways to tell if a diamond was created in a lab. Here are some:

1. Check the certification of the diamond
A lab-created diamond typically comes with a certification from the lab where it was created. The certification should state that the diamond is “lab grown” or is “synthetic”. The certificate will also provide information about the quality of the diamond, including carat weight, color, clarity and cut. It is important to ensure that the certificate is from a laboratory reputable and that matches the diamond you are buying.A reputable jeweler should be able to provide you with all the necessary paperwork.

Synthesis diamond con taglio a pera
Synthesis diamond con taglio a pera, pietra creata in laboratorio

2. Examine the diamond for inclusions
Inclusions are tiny blemishes within a diamond that can affect its appearance and value. Natural diamonds often have inclusions scattered throughout the diamond, while lab-created ones may have fewer inclusions, which are typically concentrated in a specific area. However, some lab-created diamonds may contain inclusions not found in natural diamonds. A qualified gemologist will be able to examine the diamond under a microscope and identify any inclusions which could indicate whether the diamond is lab created or natural.
Controllo del reattore al plasma CVD che produce diamanti ​​in laboratorio
Controllo del reattore al plasma CVD che produce diamanti ​​in laboratorio di De Beers

3. Test the electrical conductivity of the diamond
Diamonds are excellent electrical insulators, but some lab-created diamonds are created using a process called chemical vapor deposition (CVD), which can lead to diamonds with high electrical conductivity. A diamond tester is a device that can detect whether a diamond is a natural or lab-created diamond by measuring its electrical conductivity. This method is extremely accurate and diamond testers are commonly used in the jewelry industry to verify the authenticity of diamonds.
Anello trilogy in oro bianco con diamanti cresciuti in laboratorio
Anello trilogy in oro bianco con diamanti cresciuti in laboratorio

4. Look at the color
Natural diamonds often have slight color variations, while lab-created diamonds are typically more uniform in color. This is because lab-created diamonds can be created with specific colors, such as pink or blue, which are rare in natural diamonds. If a diamond appears too perfect in color, it may be lab created. However, it’s important to note that some lab-created diamonds can also have slight variations in color, so this method alone isn’t always reliable.
Un impianto di produzione di diamanti sintetici
Un impianto di produzione di diamanti sintetici

In summary, there are several ways to tell if a diamond was created in a lab, including verifying the diamond’s certification, examining its inclusions, testing its electrical conductivity, and looking for color variations. However, it is important to note that lab created diamonds are not fake or inferior to natural diamonds, but something else. Whether you choose a natural or lab-created diamond, it is important to purchase a piece of jewelry from a reputable jeweler and verify the authenticity of the diamond before making a purchase.

Orecchini lab-grown di Lightbox
Orecchini lab-grown di Lightbox

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