Sikura, la teca antirapina
Sikura, la teca antirapina

The jewel of D&Sign is the showcase

When a new collection is presented to the public, or is exhibited in a boutique, you not only admires the jewelry: under the eyes of customers or buyers there are also the showcases that house the best pieces. And can valorise them. But, like jewelry, also showcases evolve. At Baselworld, for example, will be presented the new display cases of D&Sign, a italian company that exports worldwide these message boards for the jewelery. For those interested we publish the images in preview: new this year will be the movements of which are equipped with display cases, with a rotating display surface, as well as sliding windows for exhibitions. There is also a showcase at trial of robbery: it is called Sikura, and it is armored and equipped with automatic system programmable to make it impregnable. In practice this display plays, they explain by D & Sign, all the functions of a safe. Not missing the help of technology: the Smart Control System regulates the opening and closing of the glass cases without the need for keys, replaced by a single badge, with secret code capable of communicating with the locks. This solution can also be equipped with a secondary Ups power supply, to ensure the protection of the jewels even in the event of electrical failure central. In short, let admire the jewelry up close, but not too much. Federico Graglia

Teca Unica 58 x 58 x 176 cm
Teca Unica 58 x 58 x 176 cm
Sikura: vetro antiproiettile, allarme programmabile, sportelli corazzati
Sikura: vetro antiproiettile, allarme programmabile, sportelli corazzati
Sikura, la teca che fa da cassaforte
Sikura, la teca che fa da cassaforte
teca Perla
Teca Perla, 40 x 40 x 46 cm
Essentia, dotata anche di sistema di apertura elettronico
Essentia, dotata anche di sistema di apertura elettronico
teca Easy
Teca Easy, 50 x 50 x 176 cm

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