Civita, nuove monete Pozioni in Argento 925 e oro rosa 9 carati con la scritta Hope in rosa, Empathy in nero e Love in rosso
Civita, nuove monete Pozioni in Argento 925 e oro rosa 9 carati. Prezzo: 95 euro ciascuna

Queriot pours a magic Potion

In Civita, the imaginary city by Queriot where only good things happen, soul is fed with Pozioni, the new silver pendants (bottle shaped, exactly) which represent emotions and positive feelings such as love, peace and empathy. And it nourishes heart with Hope, another new pendant egg-shaped, with an opening on the back to cherish a message or a thought. And because life is also made of substance, here rolls and butter curls as beads and a Milk carton as a rattle that compose the bracelet Petit Dejuner. A warning: they are not eatable. Here images and prices. Matilde de Bounvilles 

Queriot, componenti Petit Dejuner: girella, ricciolo di burro e sonaglio Milk in argento e oro rosa 9 carati.
Queriot, componenti Petit Dejuner: girella, ricciolo di burro e sonaglio Milk in argento e oro rosa 9 carati. Prezzi: ricciolo di burro 3,50 euro; girella 20 euro; sonaglio Milk 80 euro
Queriot, bracciale PetitDejuner con 30 riccioli di burro, 2 girelle e 1 sonaglio Milk.
Queriot, bracciale PetitDejuner con 30 riccioli di burro, 2 girelle e 1 sonaglio Milk. Prezzo: 295 euro
Queriot, collana Hope con catena e pendente Hope a forma di uovo in argento.
Queriot, collana Hope in argento. Prezzo: catena 130 euro, pendente Hope 170 euro

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