
Queriot, chocolate for 2016

Silver medals with attached message: was the basic idea of Queriot, that was founded by Francesco Minoli, former CEO of Pomellato (and big fan of horse riding), when he started with the company in Milan. The brand of jewelry for Christmas 2015, and in view of the new year, it suggests the medal Queriot 2016 in silver and rose gold (price: 160 €). Another idea: the bangle in silver with stone chocolate, and a brown diamond (price: 322 €). The bracelet is composable and the stone alone costs 85 euro. Minoli when he created the brand has staked everything on quickly and immediate communication style social networks applied to jewelery. And also in this case no exception. M.d.B.

Bracciale in argento con pietra-cioccolato e diamante brown. Prezzo: 322 euro
Bracciale in argento con pietra-cioccolato e diamante brown. Prezzo: 322 euro

Bracciale in argento (particolare)
Bracciale in argento (particolare)
Medaglia per il 2016. Prezzo: 160 euro
Medaglia per il 2016. Prezzo: 160 euro

Queriot pours a magic Potion

In Civita, the imaginary city by Queriot where only good things happen, soul is fed with Pozioni, the new silver pendants (bottle shaped, exactly) which represent emotions and positive feelings such as love, peace and empathy. And it nourishes heart with Hope, another new pendant egg-shaped, with an opening on the back to cherish a message or a thought. And because life is also made of substance, here rolls and butter curls as beads and a Milk carton as a rattle that compose the bracelet Petit Dejuner. A warning: they are not eatable. Here images and prices. Matilde de Bounvilles 

Civita, nuove monete Pozioni in Argento 925 e oro rosa 9 carati con la scritta Hope in rosa, Empathy in nero e Love in rosso
Civita, nuove monete Pozioni in Argento 925 e oro rosa 9 carati. Prezzo: 95 euro ciascuna
Queriot, componenti Petit Dejuner: girella, ricciolo di burro e sonaglio Milk in argento e oro rosa 9 carati.
Queriot, componenti Petit Dejuner: girella, ricciolo di burro e sonaglio Milk in argento e oro rosa 9 carati. Prezzi: ricciolo di burro 3,50 euro; girella 20 euro; sonaglio Milk 80 euro
Queriot, bracciale PetitDejuner con 30 riccioli di burro, 2 girelle e 1 sonaglio Milk.
Queriot, bracciale PetitDejuner con 30 riccioli di burro, 2 girelle e 1 sonaglio Milk. Prezzo: 295 euro
Queriot, collana Hope con catena e pendente Hope a forma di uovo in argento.
Queriot, collana Hope in argento. Prezzo: catena 130 euro, pendente Hope 170 euro

La città ideale di Queriot

Arrivano i nuovi charm della collezione Civita di Queriot per l’estate 2014 (ecco immagini prezzi). La linea si ispira a un mondo fantastico, a una città ideale, dove succedono solo cose belle e la gente sceglie di coltivare valori positivi e per questo è in continua evoluzione. A casette, cupole e torri ora si aggiungono altri charm architettonici come piccole monete e sonagli. L’idea è che ognuno possa comporre il gioiello che più gli piace e soprattutto più adeguato alle sue disponibilità. Per esempio, chi ha comprato un bracciale composto da nodini d’argento, ne può aggiungere un altro, ma d’oro, per renderlo più prezioso. Con un charm, magari un sonaglio a forma di ghianda, invece, diventa più originale. Tutto è studiato per essere abbinato in molte varianti: dai primi beads i nodini in argento, in oro e giaietto fino quelli più recenti in argento lucido, sabbiato e con trattamento pvd come i chicchi di caffè, i sassi e i sassolini del mare, visto che siamo in estate. Insomma, un gioco all’insegna della leggerezza. I charm partono da 80 euro e i bracciali da 200. M.d.B. 

ukThe ideal city of Queriot

Here come the new charm collection Civita of Queriot for summer 2014. The line is inspired by a fantasy world, in an ideal city, where only good things happen and people choose to cultivate positive values and this is constantly evolving. A small houses, domes and towers now are added more architectural charm as small coins and smalls shed. The idea is that everyone can compose the jewel just as it pleases or especially. For example,those who bought a silver bracelet composed of knots, but can aggiunrne another gold to make it more valuable. With a charm maybe a rattle in the shape of acorn instead become more original. Everything is designed to be combined in many variations: from the first beads, the small knots in silver, gold and jet up to the most recent ones in silver polished, sandblasted and treated with Pvd as coffee beans, stones and pebbles of the sea, because we are in summer. Actually is a game of lightness. The charm bracelets start from 80 to 200 euro.

france-flagLa ville idéale de Queriot

Voici venir le nouveau charm de la collection Civita de Queriot pour l’été 2014. La ligne est inspirée par un monde imaginaire, dans une ville idéale, où seuls les bonnes choses et les gens choisissent de cultiver les valeurs positives et cela est en constante évolution. A petites maisons, des dômes et des tours maintenant vous ajouter plus de charme et les caractéristiques architecturales telles que les petites pièces de monnaie hochets. L’idée est que tout le monde peut faire des bijoux qu’ils aiment, et plus particulièrement adapté à sa disponibilité. Par exemple, ceux qui ont acheté un bracelet noeuds perles d’argent avec de l’or rend plus précieux, avec un charme au lieu de devenir plus original. Tout est conçu pour être combiné à des Infinte variations: dès les premiers noeuds en argent, or et jet jusqu’à ce que les très récents perles en argent brillant, sablé et traité Pvd que les grains de café, de pierres et de galets de la mer, puisque nous sommes dans été. En bref, un jeu de légèreté. Les charmes commencent à 80 euro et le bracelets à 200.

german-flagDie ideale Stadt Queriot

Hier kommen die neuen Reiz Sammlung Civita von Queriot für den Sommer 2014. Die Linie wird durch eine Fantasy-Welt inspiriert, in einer idealen Stadt, wo nur gute Dinge geschehen und Menschen wählen, um positive Werte zu pflegen und diese sich ständig weiter. Eine kleine Häuser, Kuppeln und Türme werden jetzt als kleine Münzen und smalls Schuppen aufgenommen Brombeeren architektonischen Charme. Die Idee ist, dass jeder das Schmuckstück zu komponieren wie es gefällt oder besonders. So kann beispielsweise die, die ein silbernes Armband von Knoten zusammen gekauft, aber weitere Gold Brombeeren aggiunrne es wertvoller zu machen. Mit einer Charme vielleicht eine Rassel in Form von Eichel statt Brombeeren werden Original. Alles ist darauf ausgelegt, in vielen Variationen kombiniert werden: von den ersten Perlen, die kleinen Knoten in Silber, Gold und Jet bis hin zu den jüngsten Zahlen in silber poliert, sandgestrahlt und mit PVD wie Kaffeebohnen, Steine ​​und Kiesel am Meer behandelt, weil wir im Sommer. Eigentlich ist ein Spiel von Leichtigkeit. Die Charme Armbänder starten von 80 bis 200 Euro.

flag-russiaИдеальный город Queriot

Сюда приезжают новая коллекция очарование Civita ди Queriot на лето 2014 года. Линия вдохновлена ​​фэнтезийном мире, в идеальном городе, где только хорошие вещи происходят и люди предпочитают выращивать положительные значения, и это постоянно развивается. А домики, купола и башни, теперь добавлены ежевика архитектурный шарм как мелких монет и штанах сарай. Идея состоит в том, что каждый может сочинить драгоценность как это радует или особенно. Например, те, кто купил серебряный браслет, состоящий из узлов, но может aggiunrne еще одну золотую ежевики, чтобы сделать его ценным. С шарм может быть, погремушка в форме желудя ежевики вместо стать оригинальным. Все предназначено, чтобы быть объединены в различных вариантах: с первых бисера, небольшие узлы в серебро, золото и струи до самых последних в серебристого цвета, полированный, пескоструйной и получавших PVD как кофе в зернах, камней и гальки на море, Потому что мы в летний период. На самом деле это игра легкости. В шарм браслеты начать от 80 до 200 евро.

spagna-okLa ciudad ideal de Queriot

Ya llegaron lo nuevos charm de la colección Civita de Queriot para el verano de 2014. La línea está inspirada en un mundo de fantasía, en una ciudad ideal, donde sólo pasan cosas buenas y la gente elige para cultivar valores positivos y esto está en constante evolución. A las casas pequeñas, cúpulas y torres que ahora suman más encanto y características arquitectónicas, como las pequeñas monedas de sonajeros. La idea es que todo el mundo puede hacer que las joyas que les gusta, y más particularmente adaptado a su disponibilidad. Por ejemplo, aquellos que compraron un nudos pulsera bolas de plata con oro hace que sea más valioso, con un encanto vez ser más originales. Todo está diseñado para combinar en variaciones infinte: desde los primeros nudos en plata, oro y azabache hasta que los granos de plata muy recientes pulido, arenado y tratado con PVD como granos de café, piedras y guijarros del mar, ya que estamos en verano. En resumen, un juego de ligereza. Los charm cobran a partir de 80 euro y las pulseras desde 200.

A medal to say what you want 

There are only twit on Twitter, Facebook posts, or messages via Whatsapp. Even a medal pendant can be used as a message to those you love, but also for those you meet on the train or in the office. Queriot, a company founded four years ago and which offers affordable jewelry, is now launching a new series of the collection Civita. These medals bear an inscription engraved. The first series was in English, now the messages are in Italian. Some examples: The dogs are half-angels and half children. You abbracerei even if you were a cactus and I a balloon. If you come to see me tomorrow will begin to be happy. You choose … The material used is silver and gold. Prices range from 130 to 160 Euros.



Collezione Civita Monete
Collezione Civita Monete



Prezzo: 130-160 euro
Prezzo: 130-160 euro



Medaglie Civita
Medaglie Civita