Bracciale contro l'Aids. Prezzo: 10 euro

Cruciani in red against AIDS

Cruciani golden heart: here comes the Fiocco Rosso bracelet, dedicated to the fight against HIV and AIDS, alongside Unaids. The jewel will contribute to the charitable purpose: Cruciani will donate part of the proceeds from the sale of the Fiocco Rosso bracelet to support the association’s projects. In the world, 35.5 million people live with HIV and 780,000 children between the ages of 15 and 24 tested positive for HIV in 2013. So the company famous for its macramé bracelets, on the occasion of the World Conference on AIDS held in Melbourne, tied the idea of ​​the red knot to support the activity of Unaids, which promotes activities for the elimination of the transmission of AIDS from mother to child with good results and a decrease of over 60% of cases from 2005 to today. But there are still 190,000 children born with HIV every year, especially in Africa. Celebrities who have joined the project by wearing the bracelet include Princess Stephanie of Monaco, PSG player David Luiz, and Roma striker Gervinho. Price: 10 euros.

La Principessa Stephanie di Monaco con il braccialetto Cruciani C Fiocco Rosso
La Principessa Stephanie di Monaco con il braccialetto Cruciani C Fiocco Rosso

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