Naomi Watts con collana di Bulgari e il rapper Apl.De.Ap

$3 Million Necklace for Naomi Watts

Showing up to an evening promoted by the Petra Nemcova Happy Hearts Fund for the reconstruction of schools destroyed by natural disasters wearing a $3 million necklace by Bulgari: that’s what Naomi Watts did during a gala evening in New York. Question: was it really appropriate to show off such an expensive jewel? Doesn’t the opulence of the necklace clash a little with good intentions? You be the judge. The gold snake-shaped necklace by Bulgari was studded with 74.20 carats of diamonds. By the way: the event, which was also attended by former US president Bill Clinton, was sponsored by Chopard…

La sobria collana da 3 milioni di dollari
La sobria collana da 3 milioni di dollari

Naomi Watts
Naomi Watts

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