Creare un brand di gioielli
Creare un brand di gioielli

How to create a jewelry brand

How to create a jewelry brand? Is it possible to turn the passion for jewelery into a profession? How to become a jeweler? Let’s start from a consideration: you already know how to create jewellery, you have tried, you know the techniques and difficulties to overcome to make earrings, rings and necklaces. But you don’t know how to transform your practical skill, probably artisanal, into a commercial enterprise. What you need is to identify a brand that can be successful on the market. First of all, therefore, examine your conscience: are you able to produce a sufficient number of jewels to satisfy the requests of your future customers? If the answer is yes, then you really need to define your brand.

Come creare un marchio di gioielli?
How to create a jewelry brand?

Define your brand
The first step in creating a jewelry brand is defining the brand’s identity. How you do it? Start asking yourself some questions:
• What is your brand’s purpose?
• What are its core values?
• Who is the target audience?
• What makes your brand unique?

These questions will help you establish your brand identity and guide decisions throughout the branding process.

Fatevi delle domande
Ask yourself questions

Create a business plan
The second step is to create a business plan that outlines the brand’s goals and objectives. For example, you need to think about a marketing strategy to communicate the quality of your jewelry. Furthermore, identify a pricing strategy by comparing them with possible competitors. Finally, plan a jewelery production plan and the resulting expenses and revenues you can obtain. But, first of all: do you have a sufficient budget to leave?
Definire lo stile dei gioielli
Define the style of the jewelry

The jewels
When you have clear ideas and have answered considering the aspects we have described previously, ask yourself another question: are the jewels you have designed so far really the right ones for the type of brand you have chosen? It may be that by considering everything you can come to the conclusion that your jewelry is perfect. Or maybe you need to better adapt your design to the type of brand and audience you choose. So, design your first jewelry collection based on your brand identity and target audience. Create sketches and prototypes and try to get honest opinions.
Creazione di un gioiello
Creation of a jewel

The quality of the jewels
You have some brilliant ideas, you have created some jewels in your laboratory. But to move on to producing lots of jewels you must also have an idea of how to maintain a constant quality of your products. Artisanal production often has ups and downs. But this is bad for the brand: every piece that isn’t perfect will be bad advertising for your products. Create a production schedule and establish quality control standards. This also applies to those who decide to outsource production by entrusting the invoice of the jewelery to external companies, a method often used by small jewelery brands.
Creazione di un anello
Creation of a ring

Online presence
It goes without saying that your brand must be present with its own website on the web and on the main social networks. A poorly maintained, not updated website, or a social network with old posts and poor photos will give bad publicity to your jewels. Even establishing contact with specialized sites, such as, offers visibility and prestige to your brand. A marketing activity cannot ignore an online presence. Be careful, however, of the influencer phenomenon. There are influencers who boast thousands of followers, who are in reality “not very real”, i.e. they are simple virtual bots. And the actual impact of their social media posts is controversial.
Realizzazione di una collana
Making a necklace

The sale of jewels
Finally the time has come to sell the jewels. The choice of mode is not a secondary aspect. You can sell directly in your laboratory, if your licenses allow it, or/even online, in temporary shops (perhaps before Christmas), or through other jewelery shops. This is also an aspect that must be considered previously.
Studenti nel laboratorio di oreficeria Design del gioiello contemporaneo, a Venezia
Students in the goldsmith’s workshop Design of contemporary jewellery, in Venice

The growth of the brand
Once on the market, evaluate your sales, and if you sell online, take a good look at the data before deciding how to expand your product line, refine your marketing strategy and establish customer interaction. Listen to the feedback of those who purchased your first jewels and analyze what changes to make in case of criticism.
Regardless, creating a jewelry brand takes time, effort, and careful planning. But if you have some good ideas you can create a thriving and successful jewelry brand.
Lavorazione dei gioielli
Jewelry making

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