Cartier i nuovi colori della collezione Amulette

Cartier in color with Amulette

Spring is coming for Amulette Cartier collection too. One year after the debut, we anticipate the colors of the new version: the dark green malachite, the lightest shade of chrysoprase, the deep blue of lapis lazuli, the delicate pink opal and the warm red of carnelian set in the new models of earrings and rings. In the original collection bracelets and necklaces were only available in white mother of pearl, black onyx and white studded with diamonds. Sure, a combination very sophisticated, but perhaps a little ‘limited as wearability. Now the precious amulet is also a bit ‘sporty and can be worn on any occasion. Matilde de Bounvilles

Amulette, anelli in malachite, opale, lapislazzulo e diamanti
Amulette, anelli in malachite, opale, lapislazzulo e diamanti
Cartier la nuova versione della collezione Amulette
Cartier la nuova versione della collezione Amulette
Amulette, bracciali in oro giallo, corniola, crisoprasio e diamanti
Amulette, bracciali in oro giallo, corniola, crisoprasio e diamanti
Amulette, orecchini in pro giallo, lapislazzulo blu e diamanti
Amulette, orecchini in pro giallo, lapislazzulo blu e diamanti
Amulette, collana in oro giallo, opale rosa e un diamante
Amulette, collana in oro giallo, opale rosa e un diamante

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