Spilla a fiocco con diamanti e zaffiro giallo al centro

Picchiotti king of gems

[wzslider]He has already started the countdown to Basel, when will unveil their new collections, as it always does in the context of the event in Switzerland. But Picchiotti has not missed an opportunity to VicenzaOro to shimmer its lines of fine jewelry. La maison Vicenza, which was founded in 1967 and is managed with the classic family business, has closed 2013 in the name of Unheated Collection, which once again focuses on the quality of gems : a suite of pieces with stones of different denominations, colors and sizes of frames designed to enhance their beauty. As the platinum necklace with sapphires from Sri Lanka, combined with earrings of the same design. Or the ring with a large oval ruby ​​from Mozambique, not to mention the sapphire blue of Burma mounted on platinum or a bow brooch exquisite workmanship makes it light in spite of its 52 carat gold. Now we have to prepare for the next news.





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