Bracciale in argento brunito con perle. Prezzo: 205 euro

Yvone Christa charity

A flower is enough to take care of those less fortunate. Like a silver filigree pirolette with a white pearl pistil from the Pyrole bracelet from the Blossom collection, designed by the Swedish couple Yvone Christa. The artists who have moved to New York do not forget their country of origin and have decided to collaborate with the Princess Marianne Bernadotte Foundation of Sweden to help children born with eye problems or dyslexia. How? By donating part of the proceeds, 20 dollars, from the sale of the jewel that costs 205 euros.

Bracciale in argento brunito con perle. Prezzo: 205 euro
Bracciale in argento brunito con perle. Prezzo: 205 euro

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