La custodia che gira video

If the box shoots a video

Which woman hasn’t dreamed of receiving a precious engagement ring? Now you should know that the fateful moment could be recorded by a micro camera inserted in the ring case. The idea is from a team of American engineers, who have created a special case with a small video camera inside to capture the moment in which a woman says “yes” to marriage. The project was developed at Hope College.

The first prototype boxes have already been tested. The students who worked on the project, in fact, asked a couple of friends to try it with their partners. Result: in the box there is a USB memory that records the scene and you can see what happened in these videos. Operating the mechanism is simple: just one click. It costs $149.99. Once finished, just connect the case to a computer and that’s it. Of course, it remains to be seen whether every woman likes to be filmed during the emotional moment…

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