anelli etruschi
La riproduzione di antichi anelli etruschi

The Gold of the Etruscans

If you are fascinated by the Etruscans and if you are in the Grosseto area, you have a good opportunity to admire the jewels of the ancient people of Tuscany. At the Azienda Agricola La Scapigliata, in the municipality of Orbetello (Grosseto), in November the Sun and the Moon. The Time of the Etruscans opens. Reproductions of Etruscan jewels are on display. The exhibition space also allows you to admire the Maremma countryside. The Time of the Etruscans is the first rural and virtual exhibition of the results of experimental research on Etruscan goldsmithing techniques, conducted between 1983 and 2000 by two goldsmiths from Maremma: Gianni Trilli and Aldo Ferdinandi. The result is 35 gold pieces, copies of some Etruscan and Egyptian artefacts preserved in the main museums of the world: some of the most significant objects are reproduced in the form of a hologram, created by the visual designer Paolo Buroni. The highlight of the exhibition: the only reproduction in the world of the Vetulonia Necklace. The exhibition will last until September 2015.

86, Strada Bagnacci – 58015 Orbetello (Grosseto)

tel: 0564 885519


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