Dario Scarpitta, collana sparkling

3d jewelry in Milan

If you like jewelry, if the thought of a your creation is a delight, but you do not know how to combine technology and aesthetics, from 5 to 7 March will be held in Milan the 3D Print Hub. The organizers ensure that 3D printing is not just a prerogative of geeks and professionals but also of creative and designers. So at the three days event will also attend the designers who sell their jewelry on MakeTank, the e-commerce platform for the Italian Maker (ie those that design and manufacture objects with 3D printing). And they talk about lightweight wearable sculptures, jewelry expression of a perfect union between classic art and algorithms and arabesque style creations. Cosimo Muzzano

From 5 to 7 March


Viale Eginardo (corner via Colleoni)

20148 MILANO

Ticket price: 25 €

Stampante 3D
Stampante 3D
3D Print Hub
3D Print Hub
Todomodo, bracciale Swingo stampato in 3D in acido polilattico
Todomodo, bracciale Swingo stampato in 3D in acido polilattico

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