3D printed jewelry is arriving

Stencil jewelry. Or rather, with the printer. What seems like a provocation is, in fact, a business. Proposing it is .exnovo (it’s written with a putno in front), a Trentino brand linked to the creation of design products (lighting, furniture, objects) with 3D Printing technologies. That is, with special printers capable of churning out objects in three dimensions. The company is owned by designer Ignazio Pomini:.exnovo distributes Foc (Freedom of Creation) products in Italy, a Dutch company known for its use of the most advanced 3D Printing technologies combined with unconventional creativity. Now the Trentino company launches .exnovo bijouets: digital sculptures, objects and furnishing accessories produced through 3D printing technologies. The production includes necklaces and bracelets (in red, blue, green, purple, aubergine and black) always made in Italy and in 3D printing.

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