Bracciali della serie Robottini

New, colorful, hi-tech: here are the new bijouets

Bijoux created with a printer. It’s possible? Yes, with bijouets. Which are pleasant, fun, inexpensive, colourful, light, wearable with ultra-sporty clothing. The idea comes from .exnovo, a Trentino company that creates design products (including lamps and home accessories) using Industrial 3D Printing. In short, a hi-tech three-dimensional printer. has already talked about it. Now here comes an avalanche of new bijoux: new models and colors for earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces and brooches. Yellow, cornflower blue, grass green, orange, burgundy and fuchsia red are the colors chosen for the summer, which join the red, blue, green, purple, black and aubergine of the previous collection. Looking at them, they almost look like small sculptures. And it’s not strange: after all, they are created with a material that allows unlikely stylistic solutions with metals or stones. Prices fluctuate between 70 and 130 euros.

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