Orecchini con zaffiri, rubini e diamanti firmati Jar
Orecchini con zaffiri, rubini e diamanti firmati Jar

The refined jewels of Mavrommatis

A new appointment with top jewelry at Sotheby’s, in Geneva, on November 12. On sale there will be pieces from the Collection of Dimitri Mavrommatis, a collector of both contemporary art and eighteenth-century furniture. According to the experts of the auction house it is a very refined collection, which combines very rare precious stones with jewels of innovative design, and is among the most important ensembles of jewels and gems in the world. On sale there are 16 precious pieces that reflect the taste of Dimitri Mavrommatis and will be presented at the auction of Magnificent Jewels and Noble Jewels. The value of the collection is estimated at 20 million dollars. «The collection includes jewels made by brands such as Jar, but also splendid precious stones such as the sensational Graff Ruby. The collection is a testament to Mavrommatis’ confident and refined taste, and presents an unmissable opportunity to acquire gemstones and jewelry of exceptional quality,” anticipates David Bennett, Chairman of Sotheby’s Europe and Middle East Jewelry Department. The 8.62-carat Graff Ruby is a cushion-cut stone of Brimstone origin. The ruby ​​is characterized by the very rare pigeon blood red color. Its value is estimated between 6.8 and 9 million dollars. The same collection also includes a rare 27.54-carat sapphire, estimated by experts between 3 and 6 million dollars. The stone, certified as being of Kashmir origin, offers a velvety and very intense blue color, as well as presenting a very high degree of clarity.

Graff Ruby, di 8.62 carati. Il rubino si caratterizza per la rarissima tinta rosso sangue di piccione. Il valore è stimato tra 6,8 e 9 milioni di dollari
Graff Ruby, di 8.62 carati. Il rubino si caratterizza per la rarissima tinta rosso sangue di piccione. Il valore è stimato tra 6,8 e 9 milioni di dollari

Spilla con diamanti gialli e disegno floreale. Stima: 100-150mila dollari
Spilla con diamanti gialli e disegno floreale. Stima: 100-150mila dollari
Zaffiro di 27.54 carati, stimato dagli esperti tra 3 e 6 milioni di dollari
Zaffiro di 27.54 carati, stimato dagli esperti tra 3 e 6 milioni di dollari
Da sinistra: Dimitri Mavrommatis, Liana Mavrommatis, Cyril Karaoglank
Da sinistra: Dimitri Mavrommatis, Liana Mavrommatis, Cyril Karaoglank

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