Il negozio in Kuwait

Golden business for Zoppini & C.

Golden business, or rather, silver business for Mpfgroup, a Florentine company led by Paolo Calamandrei that owns the brands Zoppini, Manuel.Zed, Ikonika and MadibaTribute. The company is going against the trend of the rest of the Italian market. This is demonstrated by the new openings of stores and the great demand for the bracelet collection dedicated to the South African leader Nelson Mandela. Result: the company expects to close the year with +11% sales compared to last year. And not only thanks to revenues in Italy: the weight of exports is also increasing. Also thanks to the series of openings of single-brand shops: after Kiev, Dubai, Yerevan (Armenia) and two Zoppinis in Kuwait City (the second opened in February 2014) now it is the turn of Jeddah (the second largest city in Saudi Arabia), where last August 25 the brand inaugurated a store inside the luxurious Stars Avenue Mall on King Road that houses the Zoppini, Manuel Zed, Ikonika and Madiba Tribute lines. In Italy, but with a view of Austria, there is the Zoppini single-brand store inaugurated on May 17 in Bolzano. Also thanks to the transfer of the bomber Alberto Gilardino to Guangzhou Evergrande of Marcello Lippi, testimonial of the Zoppini brand, the group’s attention towards the Far East is increasing.

Lo store Zoppini di Bolzano
Lo store Zoppini di Bolzano

Paolo Calamandrei
Paolo Calamandrei

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