VicenzaOro Fall 2014

VicenzaOro Fall seen up close

A large audience at VicenzaOro Fall. A certain amount of optimism among the stands of the 1,200 companies present. And, for trend-setters, a widespread desire to add color to jewelry by many designers. VicenzaOro Fall seen up close: the first impressions we have gathered are positive. The atmosphere is better than the static one of the spring edition. Spring had been depressing according to many, Fall is a whole other thing. With the savoir faire of the president of Fiera Vicenza, Matteo Marzotto, who did the honors in a gray-blue double-breasted suit, escorted by the general director of the Fair, Corrado Facco, the opening day went off without a hitch. Even the inauguration of the exhibition dedicated to the Sentimental Jewelry, in truth not memorable, attracted a large audience, thanks to a buffet with creamed cod crostini that thrilled the audience more than a Bulgari necklace. Many new collections are ready to be launched in view of the most delicate moment of the year, Christmas. We spotted, among others, new series of bangles by Rosato, truly innovative jewels by Athomie Jewels, bracelets with a vaguely Indian flavor by Crivelli and rings that adapt to different finger sizes by Garavelli. We will talk about them in detail in the coming days.

Tra gli stand di VicenzaOro Fall 2014
Tra gli stand di VicenzaOro Fall 2014

Optimism was in the air among the stands, but with some shadows: one concerns the geopolitical situation, between the conflict in Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East. Those who sell to the East and to Arab countries, that is, almost all Italian producers, are looking at developments with apprehension. There have already been negative signals, many representatives of the group of Vicenza producers explain, behind the screen of anonymity. These are not exaggerated concerns: in the second quarter of 2014, global demand for gold jewelry recorded a significant decrease in both quantity and value (-29.8% and -36.50% compared to the same quarter of 2013). According to analysts, the decline recorded compared to the previous year is partly attributable to a normalization of demand after the exceptional increase recorded during 2013 (the year in which global demand for jewelry recorded the highest increase since 1997). Despite the contraction recorded, global demand for jewelry continues to remain at significantly higher levels than pre-crisis levels.

The other element of uncertainty concerns VicenzaOro itself. It will change its formula and form: it is necessary, it seems. Some are happy about it, because it is time to align with the new needs of buyers and, perhaps, a traditional fair no longer responds to market demand. At the same time, there are those who do not hide their uncertainties in the face of the new. What will the new VicenzaOro be like? Those who, for years, have always sat in the same pavilion, in the same place, are wondering.

L'inaugurazione della mostra sul Gioiello sentimentale
L’inaugurazione della mostra sul Gioiello sentimentale

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