The vice president of Ieg, Matteo Marzotto, leaves the company with controversy, while they preparing the edition of VicenzaOro January ♦ ︎
There are already the first changes for the next edition of VicenzaOro January. But at the appointment of the winter edition of the jewelery fair, controversy also shine. That can not leave the insiders indifferent.
A few days ago, in fact, Matteo Marzotto, vice president of IEG, a company born from the union of Fiera Rimini with Fiera Vicenza, has resigned from his position, in a controversy with the octogenarian president of Italian Exhibition Group, the very senior Lorenzo Cagnoni.

It is not a little good-bye, as Marzotto must be credited with having relaunched VicenzaOro, above all at a difficult time for the Italian economy. New ideas, dynamism and personal relationships of Marzotto were the recipe for the new face of the format, which was then successfully exported abroad. All this, however, does not seem to have been enough for the new management of the company. More than a merger between two partners, it is the sense of the farewell of Marzotto, it was a question of an OPA of Rimini on Vicenza. And for Ieg, whose goal is to be listed on the stock exchange, Marzotto’s leave is not a minor goodbye.
The distance had already appeared clear during the last edition of VicenzaOro September, in which Marzotto was not involved.

In any case, the Veneto entrepreneur did not use half-terms and denounced in a letter the lack of “institutional respect of the minority shareholder, too often ill-tolerated and kept on the sidelines, even on occasions of important decisions, such as that of assignment of the design for the enlargements of the exhibition areas, brought to the board by ad Ravanelli to things widely done and for mere disclosure”.
Marzotto’s letter also underlines what the experts have been saying negatively for some time: the hasty dismissal of the former director of Fiera Vicenza, Corrado Facco, Marzotto’s right-hand man and co-author of the re-launch of VicenzaOro.
“The way we look is practically opposite on everything, except on the goodness of the merger of the two fair companies and their listing on the Stock Exchange”, concluded Marzotto bitterly.
Maybe even to spread a veil on this epilogue not commendable, IEG begins to turn on the lights on the next appointment. Here are the news: Roberto Coin will present the new versions of the Princess Flower collection, Damiani the extensions of the D.Side, Eden and the iconic Belle Epoque collections. In the Icon area there will be Fope, Crivelli, Leo Pizzo, Tamara Comolli, Djula. A confirmation is also that of Alessio Boschi in the Design Room, in which he will also find the Parisian designer-artist Lydia Courteille, the Vicentine Mattia Cielo (for him a return) and Monica Rich Kosann. Confirmation also for Giovanni Raspini, Rue de Milles, Victoria Cruz, Bronzallure, Crieri. Cosimo Muzzano