Jennifer Lopez‘s engagement rings: she has collected six. The most valuable is … ♦ ︎
Is there anything better than a wedding with the man you love? The answer is yes: six engagements are better accompanied by as many precious rings. Or, at least, this is the answer that Jennifer Lopez could give you, who has just announced her new official engagement, with its large diamond ring. Probably JLo is a collector of rings and the rotation of husbands and boyfriends is perhaps due to her desire to get new jewels as a gift.
Jennifer Lopez’s sixth engagement ring, thanks to the comeback of Ben Affleck, was designed and made by Tamara Rahaminov and Nicol Goldfiner, of Rahaminov Diamonds, Los Angeles. The ring has a special diamond: an 8.5-carat natural green gem, set with a white diamond and, surprisingly, on a silver band rather than white gold. Although the choice was probably not made to save money. Green is apparently also JLo’s favorite color. The value? There are those who have estimated the cost of diamonds up to 10 million dollars, because green diamonds are rare and precious but, probably, they cost less. Relatively less, of course.

The previous ring received by the American singer from her ex-boyfriend Alex Rodriguez was instead an emerald-cut diamond of 10-15 carats, with a value of up to 5 million.

The stone that she had given Alez Rodriguez has an emerald cut and the jewel is in Art Deco style. Perhaps not by chance it is very similar to that received by Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex who has considerable popularity (even if the critics are not lacking). In any case, in her first 53 years (which turns on July 24, 2022) JLo received six engagement rings, all of which cost at least six figures.
One of her most precious rings was Harry Winston’s pink diamond that Ben Affleck had previously given her. But the third last ring, also by Harry Winston but this time with an 8.5 carat blue diamond, was very precious: it was estimated that it cost 4 million dollars. It didn’t do much good, though.

La pietra che aveva regalato Alez Rodriguez ha un taglio smeraldo e il gioiello è in stile Art Dèco. Forse non a caso è molto simile a quello ricevuto da Meghan Markle, la Duchessa del Sussex che ha una notevole popolarità (anche se i critici non mancano). In ogni caso, nei suoi primi 53 anni (che compie il 24 luglio 2022) JLo ha ricevuto sei anelli di fidanzamento, tutti costati almeno sei cifre.
Uno degli anelli più preziosi è stato il diamante rosa di Harry Winston che le aveva regalato in precedenza Ben Affleck. Ma anche il terzultimo anello, sempre di Harry Winston ma questa volta con un diamante blu di 8,5 carati, era molto prezioso: è stato stimato che sia costato 4 milioni di dollari. Non è servito a molto, però.