What jewelry to wear on your wedding day? If you are thinking about what to choose besides the wedding ring, read this article. The first rule is … ♦
You have identified the dress. You decided the banquet room. You have found an agreement (tiring) about the guest list. One question remains: which jewels to wear on the wedding day? All right, there’s the wedding ring, but then? If you have any doubts here are 9 useful tips.

1 Match fabrics and gold. Gold also has a color: it can be white, yellow or pink. If the gold color matches that of the dress the effect will be better. Did you think about it? The ivory color of a fabric, for example, is best combined with yellow gold, because it is in nuance with the shade of the fabric. If the dress is candid without shades, it is best combined with white gold or platinum and maybe even with silver, provided it is of design. Beware of pearls: even those small balls can be more or less white and match with the dress. Pink gold goes better with a colorful dress: not all of them are married in white, right? Another thing to keep an eye on: often the wedding dresses are adorned with beads or silver decorations: in this case the jewels must be coordinated with the type of precious decor chosen.

2 We must not overdo it. Even if you have lots of jewels in your drawer, or you have the option to buy them at will, on your wedding day, it’s best not to look like a Christmas tree. It is not necessary to wear diadem, earrings, necklace, bracelet and perhaps other rings at the same time. Better to choose one or two quality jewels, but that are appropriate with the dress. The old “less si more” is also valid when you get married.

3 Earrings only if … You must pay attention to the earrings: not only must they be in tone with the rest of the clothing, but also to the shape of the face. They could also be too much, for example, if you have opted for a very rich tiara.
Read also: How choose earrings

4 Simple necklace. A necklace is almost obligatory along with a dress with a neckline. A thin chain with a not too big pendant is as good as the classic string of pearls, single or double. Those who have a thin and slender neck can also venture into the choice of a choker, provided that it is coordinated with the dress and does not seem to be found by chance in the jeweltrunk of the grandmother. No necklace, however, in the case of a one-shoulder dress.

5 No watches. The time has come to say “yes”. But just this day is not the case to consult the watch, do you agree? Others will think of telling you not to go too early or late. If you feel the need to wear something on your wrist, better a bracelet that matches your dress. Remember that the hands are very photographed on the wedding day: one more reason for a reasoned choice of the bracelet that must be in tune with the ring.

6 Respect the times. There is nothing worse than to be at the last moment for the choice of jewels: they are a fundamental part of the look for an equally fundamental day of life. Choose and try the pairings at least three months before.

7 Budget. It is not the case to wear so many cheap jewels. If your wallet does not allow you a large expense, better to choose one only, but of quality: it will remain with you the rest of your life and it is a small investment.

8 Tiara yes or not? The diadem in the shape of a small circle or crown, decorated with pearls, precious stones or flowers, is the jewel that is more visible than others. Therefore, great caution is needed in the choice, also because a tiara risks overwhelming the effect of the dress. First of all, the diadem should be coordinated with the dress: for example, if the dress has beads, even the diadem will use pearls. Moreover, it is certainly combined with other jewels: usually a tiara is in silver or white gold. Pay attention that the color corresponds to that of earrings or of the bracelet, if you wear one. Another important point: the diadem must correspond to the quantity and type of hair. Needless to wear a small circle between a mass of curly hair: it will disappear. Finally: it is absolutely necessary to try the tiara first, and with the type of hairstyle of the hair that will be used on the wedding day. When you do the test, wear it for a while, to see if it’s comfortable or turn into a mechanism that causes a headache.

9 Choose the ring. It seems obvious, yet there are those who are reduced at the last moment in choosing the ring to be exchanged at the time of “yes”. It is a mistake: that ring will be the most worn jewel in the years to come, better to weigh well the purchase. It is said that the ring should be a simple yellow gold faith: now there are wedding rings in all three colors of gold. There are also those who choose a ring with colored stones but, in that case, it is more difficult to combine with the dress and everything else. A useful tip: consider the type of work or habitual occupation and choose a ring that allows you freedom of movement or do not risk ruining yourself with daily use.
buenos consejos, y es verdad no es necesario estar con muchos accesorios para verse bien, entre mas sencilla mas elegante