Party with something precious in your hair: a tiara. Diadems and crowns are perfect jewels for a special evening ♦ A little
MoreEven the royals of Holland can boast a good number of important jewels. Here are what are ♦ Years ago, Maxima from
MoreThe jewels, and especially the tiaras, of the Queen of Spain Letizia ♦ ︎ Like all the queens, letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, wife
MoreDiadem and tiaras are all the rage, they can be precious or simple bijoux. Here is a selection and advice on how
MoreThe farewell to Queen Elizabeth touch millions of people. But the queen leaves a legacy not only linked to her institutional figure,
MoreSotheby’s has organized the largest diadem exhibition ever staged in London in the last 20 years (28 May – 15 June). The
MoreThe catalog is now completed. And for fans of exceptional jewelry and gem collectors, who are a particularly popular type of investment
MoreIn the year of the anniversary of Napoleon’s death, two diadems which are traditionally thought to have belonged to Joséphine de Beauharnais
More2021 was the bicentenary of Napoleon Bonaparte’s death. The sale by Sotheby’s of two diadems that belonged to Joséphine de Beauharnais (1763-1814),
MoreThe aesthetics of the ellipse, of the lines that wrap around a center of gravity as in the new collection by Chaumet,