Grandi orecchini a cerchio ammorbidiscono il viso
Grandi orecchini a cerchio ammorbidiscono il viso

How choose earrings

Each type of face must be paired with the right earrings. In this article we explain how to choose earrings and match them to the shape of your face ♦

If you plan to give as a gift a pair of earrings (maybe to yourself), think twice before you choose. Not only at the price (of course) and the shape of the jewel (also obvious), but also the kind of face that will accommodate earrings. Not enough that they are aesthetically beautiful when you look them when they are displayed in the store. And it’s not important only even that is just precious. Any form of the face, in fact, must be accompanied by earrings that are required to exploit the wearer. Here, then, four tips on how to match this kind of jewel.
Oval face. Who has expanded cheekbones and a narrow silhouette, with a face oval, it has greater ease in wearing almost any style of earring. But, in reality, are better the earrings not too long, but those that focus attention to the height of the mouth.
Round face. Women with face which tends to be close to a circle, will look better with a longer earrings, which stretch their lines. For example, earrings drop, make more slender contour of the face.

No: un viso tondo non ha bisogno di un orecchino che accentui il perimetro del volto
No: un viso tondo non ha bisogno di un orecchino che accentui il perimetro del volto

Heart-shaped face. Narrow chin, wide forehead: women with faces shaped heart-shaped earrings can opt for short and wide earings, with large volume, which helps to expand the part of the face that narrows too quickly.
Square face. Do you have a face with accentuated angles, very outlined? In this case you can choose earrings from the circular shape, a ring, which help to soften with the own curve the corners of the face.

Il matrimonio di Flavia Pennetta e Fabio Fognini
Gli orecchini Minou
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