The digital version of Oroarezzo, but it would be better to say the alternative format that replaces the fair in the Italian gold capital, takes another step forward. The event organized by Italian Exhibition Group is called We Are Jewelery and has selected the 32 Made in Italy goldsmith and jewelery companies that will be on the catwalk on March 23 for the live streaming b2b event.
They are Alunno & Co., Artlinea, Coar 56ar, Daverivicenza, Del Pia, Family Gold, Femar, Gold Art, Golden Clef International, Goldetruria, Graziella & Braccialini, Migliorini Gioielli, Neri Romualdo, Quadrifoglio, SILO, Unoaerre Industries from the district Arezzo goldsmith. Furthermore, Vicenza Alessi Domenico, Better Silver, Fratelli Bovo, J-Tech, Karizia, Kimiya Gioielli, Italy Line, Maria De Toni, Punto Oro Vi Giordana Castellan, Re Sole, Sade, Veneroso, Antonini Milano, Bronzallure Milano, Bulganeri, Cameo Italian.
The Jewelery Golden Cloud will offer a digital environment enhanced by advanced features that will favor targeted matchmaking between companies and operators, who will be able to access it starting from next March 19th to explore the first contents of exhibitors, waiting for the live streaming on March 23rd.
They will be original Jewelery Frame, tableau vivant intended for Italian jewelery, in a fashion movie made by the specialists of fashion weeks in Arezzo, under the artistic direction of Beppe Angiolini, the most famous Italian fashion buyer inside Palazzo Lambardi, now home to the boutique Sugar.