He is a Japanese jeweler working in Los Angeles. Not only that: Takayas Mizuno is also an artist from Ikebana, the fourth generation of a family specializing in flower arrangements. In short, he seems to be a soul full of poetry. But Takayas, who personally designs and manufactures his jewels, has also decided to fly on the wings of fantasy. A good part of his production, in fact, consists of rings inspired by manga, Japanese cartoons and even the most popular video games.
On the other hand, what do young people do before getting married? They play on the Playstation or other platforms with video games like Final Fantasy or Bloodborne. Or like the ring inspired by two figures from Japanese folklore, such as Kitsune, a fox who possesses paranormal abilities that increase as they age, and Sesshōmaru, an antagonist transformed into an anti-hero in the manga and anime series Inuyasha.
Buying an engagement ring or a wedding ring inspired by characters or situations linked to the fantasy world, in short, can maintain a link with one’s youth. The rings are, however, full-blown jewels, in gold and precious stones such as diamonds, rubies or sapphires.

all’interno di una luna crescente e una stella incastonata, ispirata allo Star Seeker Keyblade dal libro «Kingdom Hearts».jpg