Roberto Coin al terzo incontro annuale di Un Fashion and Lifestyle Network
Roberto Coin al terzo incontro annuale di Un Fashion and Lifestyle Network

Roberto Coin at the UN to talk about sustainability

The voice of Italian jewelery at the United Nations: in New York Roberto Coin was a speaker at the third annual meeting of the Un Fashion and Lifestyle Network, an event jointly organized by the United Nations Office for Partnerships and the Fashion Impact Fund. The meeting, which brings together advisory board members, registered partnerships, industry stakeholders, leaders, media and UN representatives, is a key platform to showcase action and progress on sustainable development.

Roberto Coin davanti alla scultura di Arnaldo Pomodoro vicino alla sede dell'Onu
Roberto Coin in front of Arnaldo Pomodoro’s sculpture near the UN headquarters

The overall objective of the meetings is to increase the sector’s commitment to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, supply chain ethics and corporate social responsibility, recognizing the profound influence of these sectors, in particular jewellery, on societies and the ‘environment. The objective is to identify and address the most important challenges of the sector, developing effective solutions for sustainable development. By placing emphasis on the mobilization of skills, innovation, technology and resources, the meeting aims to build a more just and equitable world.
Lavorazione di gioielli nella factory di Roberto Coin
Jewelery manufacturing in Roberto Coin’s factory

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